Classes are held on Mondays at St. Paul on the Lake, beginning September 23, 2024.
Class times are 4:15 - 5:30 pm or 6:30 - 7:45 pm.
Please note that class sizes are limited so register now to secure your spot!
To register click here.
Payment is made at the time of registration through Faith Direct.
1 Child - $250
2 Children - $360
3 Children - $425
4 or more children - $465
It is our desire that every child in our Family of Parishes has access to Religious Education. If the registration fees impose a financial hardship, please contact the Religious Education Office at 313-885-7022.
Medical Release Treatment Form
2nd Grade First Communicants - St. Paul
Tuesday, December 3: First Reconciliation - SPS students
Saturday, December 7: First Reconciliation - RE students
Monday, January 27: First Communion Parent Meeting
Thursday, May 8: First Communion Rehearsal
Saturday, May 10: First Communion Masses
2nd Grade First Communicants - St. Clare
Saturday, April 5: First Reconciliation
Sunday, May 4: First Communion Mass
7th Grade Students
Saturday, November 9: Service Workshop and Parent Meeting
8th Grade and High School Confirmation Candidates
Saturday, January 11: Candidate and Sponsor Workshop & Confirmation Retreat
Thursday, May 1: Confirmation Rehearsal
Monday, May 5 and Tuesday, May 6: Confirmation Masses
*Dates are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances or events.
Saints of the Lake Family of Parishes is committed to serving all, providing on-going faith formation through experiences of learning about God, growing deeper in relationship with God through prayer, and service to God’s people.
Our Religious Education program's primary goal is to help our students develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is done in the context of a program which:
Our children come from a variety of public and private schools. We cooperate with all of the parishes in the SERF Vicariate in order to extend opportunities for Religious Education to all of the children in our area.
Questions? Please call us at 313.885.7022
Grade 1 Focus: Jesus Christ.
Because this is the beginning of formal religious education for many children, and because the aim of catechesis is “communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ” (General Directory of Catechesis, 80), first grade focuses on helping the children to know and love Jesus. First graders are just beginning to move beyond the developmental self-focus of the preschool years, so an introduction to a relationship with Jesus and the Church community is appropriate.
Please click here to see the First Grade syllabus.
Grade 2 Focus: The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Children of this age are in the cognitive stage of “concrete operations.” They understand cause and effect in terms of how the world works. Therefore, this is a great time to introduce God’s guidelines for living. They learn about God’s love and mercy as they prepare to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
Please click here to see the Second Grade syllabus.
Grade 3 Focus: The Church.
Children this age have entered what social/developmental theorist Harry Stack Sullivan called the “chumship stage,” when same-age peers become very important, and children often have “best friends.” For this reason, it is an ideal time to focus on the parish community. The students learn about the characteristics of the Catholic Church from its earliest beginnings and what it means to be a member. They study the four marks of the Church: that it is one, holy, catholic and apostolic.
Please click here to see the Third Grade syllabus.
Grade 4 Focus: The Moral Life.
We examine our foundations in morality, the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes. Basic concepts of living a moral life will be introduced.
Please click here to see the Fourth Grade syllabus.
Grade 5 Focus: The Seven Sacraments.
Fifth graders are growing in their ability to understand symbols and signs. This makes fifth grade an ideal time to take an in-depth look at the sacraments and rites of the Church. They learn how the sacraments strengthen our faith and renew us as a community.
Please click here to see the Fifth Grade syllabus.
Grade 6 Focus: The Old Testament.
Children in sixth grade are growing in their abstract-thinking ability and have made great strides in reading and writing ability. This makes sixth grade an excellent time to study Sacred Scripture and begin to connect the events of salvation history.
Please click here to see the Sixth Grade syllabus.
Grades 7 and 8 Focus: Confirmation Preparation.
Experts tell us that sometime around the ages of 12 - 14, children experience a spiritual awakening. It is a point in their development when they begin to ask the “big” questions and to wonder about the faith of their childhood. It is important for parents and educators to be aware of this. It is helpful to allow a young person to think things through and to be prepared to discuss and explore these themes.
"Chosen for Confirmation" addresses the questions head-on and seeks to remove any obstacles that make it difficult for a teen or an adult to believe. Rather than focusing on our choosing God and the Catholic faith, it shows how God has chosen us.
Our teens are “invited first to hear, then to respond with faith to the voice of God who has called us to become his sons and daughters – simply because ‘he first loved us’ (1 John 4:19).” The second stage includes a lively exploration of who Jesus is and how we are called to follow him. The final phase adds more intense, interior formation for a life of discipleship. Specific preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is included towards the end of the program. Students will experience prayer services and a retreat as part of their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Additionally, we have woven teaching from Theology of the Body (for Teens) throughout Grades 7-8. This is St. Pope John Paul II’s beautiful theology of God’s plan for life and love. The goal is to help your child become an integrated, loving, healthy person.
Please click here to see the 7th Grade syllabus.
Please click here to see the 8th Grade syllabus.